Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Demo Team

We are so proud of the accomplishments Stephen have made in karate. We are also amazed at what he has learned and what he can do. I think he would tell you his favorite is breaking boards.

Cousin Time!

Stephen looks forward to his cousins coming from Ohio each summer and the fun things we do.


Enjoying a visit to Steamtown in Scranton, PA .


Our family enjoys watching the TLC show American Choppers which features Orange County Choppers. While on vacation, we visited their new headquarters. The headquarters is nice but they have gotten show big that you can only view their shop through a tinted glass that makes it hard to take a picture. We left Orange County Choppers World Headquarters and drove a few minutes down the road to V-Force. Vinnie and Cody left OCC and opened their own shop. They were very friendly. We were given a tour of their shop and pictures. It was a great experience and a highlight of our trip.
Stephen in front of OCC new headquarters.
Photo of OCC shop

Family photo with Vinnie

(Vinnie had a similiar pose when Stephen posed with him a few years ago)

V-Force Shop

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Karate Boy!!

We have been so proud of Stephen and his committment to karate. The end of May, he tested to go into Cadets. He did an awesome job. He just tested June 19th for his orange belt. He did a great job writing a flag report for the testing. We are excited to watch him in the future.

Happy Birthday Stephen!

On June 21st, Stephen turned 8 years old. I remember the day he was born and the joy that I felt the first time they put this precious gift in my arms. I still feel the joy when I watch him. I look at the young man he is turning into being and can't help but feel proud. Stephen, I am so proud of you. On his birthday, we looked at his baby album and have spent the last few weeks looking at home videos. The time has gone so quickly. I know Stephen can't wait to get older, but I wish it would slow down. We do cherish every memory.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Cool Experience

We were visiting the zoo during their earth day celebration. Stephen was excited to meet the Philadelphia Eagles' Mascot Swoop. After an hour of waiting the zoo was very kind and gave him another treat. He was taken behind the scences and able to feed the Southern Ground Hornbill. He was also able to go in the Emu cage and pet the Emu. It was a great experience!